Proven Greases for Our Dichtomatik Sealing Products
Silicone Grease®is used for applications with high temperatures up to +200 °C. Our silicone based translucent grease is typically used for dielectric insulation, surface protection, release and specialized lubrication. It shows a very good resistance against tracking and corona discharge and makes surfaces resistant to water. In addition, it prevents that machined surfaces stick to gaskets and acts as electrical insulator.
Magnalube®-G teflon grease is mainly used for applications involving high temperatures up to +288 °C, high loads up to 7,000 psi, chemicals and wear within heavy machinery and precision equipment. In addition, it protects against rust in moist environments. In general, it provides a six times better performance than conventional grease.
These items are only available in Australia. For global demands, please check our proven Lube & Seal concept providing the perfect combination of premium Freudenberg elastomers and high-performance Klüber lubricants.
Benefits at a Glance
- Very good media resistance
- Good lifetime
- Very good price-performance ratio
- Suitable for many industrial applications
Important note: Dichtomatik products comply with common industrial standards and therefore are suitable for many applications excluding safety-critical ones like Automotive. Premium Freudenberg products are the right choice for all applications ensuring highest quality and safety standards and therefore optimal total cost of ownership.
Choose the Right Product
Out of Two Types
- Silicone grease® is available in 100g, 1kg and 4.5kg tubs
- Magnalube®-G teflon grease: is available in numerous tub sizes

Sealing products setting benchmarks
Premium products and individual sealing solutions of the Freudenberg brand are the perfect choice for any application. Uncompromising quality (0-defect strategy) and excellent performance ensure full safety and optimized total cost of ownership (TCO).
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